Choosing Flour for Baking

  1. If stale bread or fresh bread soft enough, it can be corrected. Prepare a pot in which to place the entire roll of bread. Put the bottom of a clean wooden or clay stand, pour in a little pot of water, then put back the bread, it does not touch the water, be sure to cover with a lid and place for 3-5 minutes on low heat. In the process of heating the water will evaporate and steam refresh bread, make it soft and warm.
  2. Flour should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated place. About once a month it should sift and aerate. Wet basement becomes stale flour, and if stored in a warm place too gorknet and gets an unpleasant odor.
  3. To the flour and rice not start worms and weevils, you need to put in them intact garlic clove.
  4. Flour moisture gives the feeling of cold, when you dip your hand in it. This meal should be eaten in the first place, because it does not last.
  5. Dough will turn soft and airy, if you add to it the cooled potatoes, grated on a fine grater (2-3 potatoes 1 kg of flour).
  6. Before mixing the flour dough several times to sift. By sieving the flour absorbs more air, so the dough is fluffy and tender.
  7. If the dough is put a lot of fat cakes are obtained vague, hard crumb.
  8. Before you put the yeast in the dough, you need to separate them in a small amount of warm water or milk with sugar and flour.
  9. Prezhle you put baking soda in the batter, it should dissolve in vinegar flavor soda then you will not feel in the pie.
  10. If the dough for pancakes come, it can not interfere.
  11. Pancakes will taste better if you add to the dough whipped protein.
  12. Shaving brushes for greasing pans for baking pancakes can serve cut in half and mounted on the fork potato.
  13. Not to lubricate the pan during baking pancakes, you need to prepare the dough pour a little vegetable oil and mix (one tablespoon oil 2 kg test).
  14. Dough, kneaded for Table margarine, long stale. Knead the dough is rolled out good bottle filled with cold water.
  15. Dough will not stick to your hands, if palm oil vegetable oil.
  16. It is easy to roll out thin dough, rolling pin if the wrap clean linen cloth. If the dough is too wet, you need to put on it a sheet of parchment and roll right through the paper.
  17. To thin dough pass on to the pan, sprinkle the dough with flour to and screw on the rolling pin.
  18. Do not lubricate the edge egg puff pastry - when they harden and baking the dough will not rise.
  19. Nedosolennoe dough can sunflower, if poured into a salt dissolved in a little water or milk and mix thoroughly Move.
  20. To cake turned bright yellow, you need to rub the yolks with a pinch of salt and put in 8-10 hours in a cool place.
  21. The dough is no longer fit, you need to cover it well with water-dampened paper.
  22. Pies get more fragrant, if fry them in the vegetable and ghee (1 kg of vegetable oil 300 g melted).
  23. That dough is not saturated with fat, they should fry over high heat, add the oil a little vinegar.
  24. To check if there is enough oil warmed up for preparation of pies, you need to pour it on top 2-3 drops of water. If the water evaporates from the surface, oil is ready. If the drops will go to the bottom, lower in fat cakes are not.
  25. The fat in the preparation of pies not foamed, add to it a pinch of dry salt.
  26. Before you put the cake in the oven, you need to let him go for 15-20 minutes, then lubricate the egg white.
  27. When dough sheeting should not pour a lot of flour.
  28. Test better propechetsya, if around the cake from the pan leaving voids.
  29. When baking air biscuits (meringue) on baking a must to put a sheet of plain paper.
  30. When kneading need milk or water to pour a little, thin stream while stirring. Then the dough is no lumps.
  31. Baked cake can not be easily removed from the mold, you need to give it a little cool. But you can not leave for a long time and the pan - this cake is moist and smells like iron.
  32. If you cook the cake stuck to the opposite, to hold the pan over steam or wrap it up for a few minutes with a damp towel.
  33. Pie is not the foothills, if by putting the pan with the dough sheet filled up on it with coarse salt.
  34. If the cake in the oven starts to burn on the one hand, you need to put a baking dish with water.
  35. The cake turned out delicious, the first 15 minutes, do not open the oven.
  36. The top and bottom crust with a baked pie was soft, you need to put it on a soft cloth and cover it tightly at the top. If the pie crust with much withered, it is necessary to put it on a cloth, and the top cover is dry.
  37. To find out whether the cake is ready, you need to stick to it a wooden stick. If the stick turns dry - cake is ready.
  38. Baking quality products can be identified by its weight: the easier, the better baked.
  39. To cut a hot cake, it is necessary to hold the knife previously in hot water and quickly dry.
  40. Hot dough should be filled with cold syrup, cooled down - hot.
  41. If you need to prepare the dough with raisins, sultanas rinse in hot water and sprinkle with flour, then raisins evenly distributed in the dough.
  42. Pastry can not knead too long, otherwise it will become thick and hard.
  43. Biscuit dough to knead quickly and bake immediately, otherwise it evaporate from the air bubbles and cake loses flavor and tenderness.
  44. If you cook biscuits or biscuit with lard, add a little lemon juice.
  45. If cookies burnt, should cool it, and then spend some time on it a fine grater and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  46. Bake the cake to a moderate heat in a preheated oven.
  47. After pypechki can not make a cake in the cold because of the sudden change of temperature it can settle.
  48. To cake decorated with fruit, not softened, it is necessary to grease it before baking egg white.
  49. In the cream from the milk, starch and cocoa to add a little grated orange peel and pour a few drops of orange essence. This will give the cream a pleasant smell.
  50. Butter will easily whipped if you first cut it into pieces, put in a bowl, submerged in hot water, and keep until tender.
  51. Whisk well to cream, to add to her own white and cool in the water dish in which it is located.
  52. If the jam for pies watery, add to it 2-3 tablespoons of crushed crackers or corn flakes.
  53. Iron sheets on which the pastry is baked, it is best to wet with water, not oil.
  54. Keep away the white and brown bread, because white is losing its taste.
  55. Bread for a long time to keep the taste and pleasant smell, if you keep it in an enamel saucepan, pour in the bottom of which is a little vanilla, and on top of the bed a plastic circle.
  56. Long stale bread, if the pan (or a box), where it is stored, put an apple, a piece of raw peeled potatoes and a little salt.
  57. Pies to drying out, they are best stored in a clay pot, covered with a cloth, or in a plastic bag.
  58. To cut thin slices of fresh bread, you need to heat the knife, dip it in boiling water for a minute. You can also cut the crumbly cake.
  59. To refresh dried up biscuits or cookies, we have to put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle with water, or drop a second in the milk, then place the pan on a large bowl of water and put in a few minutes in the oven. Under the influence of a couple of products will be as fresh. You can dip the biscuits in milk and place in a slightly warmed oven.
  60. To refresh dry bread, we must wrap it in a wet paper and put it on for 10-15 minutes in the oven.
  61. The cake will not dry in the box, if put together with him an apple.
  62. The yeast is not spoiled, should be stored at a temperature of not more than 3 - 4 °. You can also crumble the yeast - dry and place in a sealed glass jar in a dark place.
  63. If the yeast is put into the flour or table salt, they persist longer. For a long time, the yeast can be stored in the refrigerator freezer.

Tips For Cooking Meat

Tips For Cooking Meat

  1. Beef stroganoff is delicious, if you add a soaked dried mushrooms, cut into wedges.
  2. Brains before breading should hold in cold water, then release of the film and put in another pan with cold water, add a little vinegar and salt, spices for the soup and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Ready brains to cool in the water, which were cooked.
  3. Liver before use is recommended to put an hour in cold water, then squeeze out the blood, remove the tape covering her and remove the bile ducts.
  4. To beef liver has become more soft and tender, before roasting to keep her a little of the milk.
  5. Kidney before cooking to soak in cold water, cut in half.
  6. Beef kidneys must first boil, then rinse in cold water. Veal, lamb and pork kidneys previously scalded with boiling water.
  7. Sausages to not burst during cooking, before dropped into boiling water in a few places to prick them with a needle. You can also cook them for a couple. To do this, fill a pot halfway with water, boil it, then put the pan on top of cross kitchen spoon (preferably wooden), and the sausages are hung so that they were a couple, but do not touch the water. After 4-5 minutes of hot dogs are ready.
  8. If sausage bad peel, you need to lower it for half a minute in cold water, and pour over boiling water better.
  9. If the jelly is not separated from the form, have to wrap it with a towel soaked in hot water.
  10. To get flour gravy without lumps, it is necessary to plant the flour in salted water.
  11. If the sauce is too salty, you need to put it in a few seconds on a sugar cube.
  12. All spices should be put in the food before the end of cooking.
  13. To give the meat or fish with fried golden crisp, you must first grease their eggs and then downed break in crumbs.
  14. Dishes, cooked in a pressure cooker, especially if they are cooked with mustard, sour cream, tomatoes or cabbage, can not be left in the pan-should immediately pass them in an enamel or glass container.
  15. Pis z, the rest the next day, before eating should always be brought to the boil and carefully fried.
  16. You can not store canned food in open cans - they should immediately shift into a glass or enamel bowl.
  17. If it is necessary to check whether fresh canned, you press your finger on the bottom of the banks so that the sheet was formed dent. If after a while begins to straighten a dent, then canned food spoiled.


Tip Meat Products Processing

  1. Meat for aspic jelly or need a good soak and rinse, then give a clear jelly and more delicious - otherwise dull and without significant meat flavor.
  2. The meat should be washed in water at room temperature, but leave him to it, it is impossible.
  3. Meat, which is not subject to immediate preparation, should not be washed, Yuk in this case it goes bad quickly.
  4. To thaw frozen meat, you need to rinse it with cold water, then put into a clean bowl and cover with lid.
  5. To keep ground meat more than a day, you need to wrap it in a clean cloth dampened with a mixture of water and vinegar (in equal proportions), and hanging in the draft.
  6. The meat can be stored for long periods without refrigeration, shifting his nettle leaves and wrapped in a damp towel.
  7. Washed and soaked in lemon juice will be fresh meat, even on hot days.
  8. To a day or two to keep the meat from spoiling, you fill it with raw milk and pour over boiling water with a little salt and keep in a cool place.
  9. Fried in a little oil and lightly salted meat can remain fresh for several days.
  10. The meat will remain fresh for several days, if wipe it dry, then lubricate with melted fresh lard, wrap parchment paper and hang it in a cool place.
  11. If meat is rubbed with salt or sugar, it will remain fresh for a long time.
  12. Long the meat is fresh, if you pour it to remove sour milk. By the end of the day drain the milk and pour another. In the days to pour every day.
  13. Smoked meat (ham, bacon, brisket, sausage, etc.) are best stored in a dry ventilated place at a temperature of 4 to 8 ° Celsius.
  14. Chopped cooked ham should be stored (even for a few hours) in a cool, dark place, well wrapped in cellophane.
  15. To fat long port, need for salting bacon when cool, rub it with salt, pepper, fresh bay leaf. At the bottom of the barrel to put 3.4-washed stone. They are in two rows to lay down a piece of bacon skin side down, so fill in all the dishes. Prepared in this way fat is not yellow, no slime and odor.
  16. Keep the bird is best in a dark metal pan, pre-gut, washing and dry.
  17. Birds need to thaw slowly, with an average temperature below 18 °. You can not thaw it in water, as in the loss of taste and nutritional quality of meat.
  18. If raw meat with salt, it will provide the juice. The meat during cooking will dry hard. Therefore, if there is no neobhedimosti long to keep fresh meat, salt it must be immediately before putting in the pan, add salt and ground meat only when stirred to beef cuts.
  19. Save the liver during the day can be in cold water.
  20. Corned beef soaked in cold water at a temperature of +12 ° (for 1 kg of beef to 3-4 liters of water).
  21. To know whether meat benign, we must press on it with your finger. If the dent formed quickly equalized, then meat benign. On a section of benign meat should be dry.
  22. Good meat is red fire pink lamb - crimson hue, fat in hand does not stick.
  23. Fat young animal-white, sometimes pink, old - yellow.
  24. If the meat has a bad odor, it is necessary for him to put in the cooking pot 1.2 wood coals. You can also chop the meat pieces pa, wash in cold water, put in a pot with charcoal and cover with cold water to cover meat it. After 2-3 hours remove the coal, and the meat cook in the same water.
  25. Animal meat can be eaten just a day after the slaughter.
  26. The meat of hares and rabbits were tasty, desperately needed after the carcass put in a cool place for 1-2 days, and before the pre-cooked meat marinate.
  27. Beef cooked faster if its pre-recapture wooden hammer or hoe and add water 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  28. Mince for meatballs or chopped steaks can not be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator. Due to salt the meat becomes reddish and fried chops or steak are obtained hard, tasteless, unappetizing to look at.
  29. Grilled meat, poultry, fish and meat patties are ready, if punctured with a fork or a spoon push they imply clear juice.
  30. Meat will be juicier if you boil it in large pieces. The meat should be cut pas wet board, as dry wood absorbs some of his juice.
  31. The soup was tasty, washed beef should be dropped in a pot of cold water, causing meat juices boil and become less juicy beef and broth stronger. If beef dipped in boiling water, fat will be less strong, and juicy beef.
  32. When roasting meat portions, do not cover bowl with a lid, so the steam does not escape, and settle on the meat and gives it a bad taste.
  33. Boiled beef, ham, chicken should be removed from the broth just before use, otherwise the meat will be dry and less tasty.
  34. The meat retains juiciness, flavor and vitamins, it should simmer in a pan with a tight lid closed, occasionally pouring a little water.
  35. To cooked meat was juicy, it should be left up to the filing of the table in its own broth in a saucepan with the lid closed.
  36. In processing the meat can not be too long to beat his hoe, as this broken meat tissue and follows nutritious juice.
  37. Grilled meat is tasty and soft if for an hour before cooking it with mustard oil.
  38. The surface of the meat that was roasting in the oven, is a more fragile, and the meat juicier if you fry to water it from time to time with water and rub with a slice of lemon.
  39. Roasted or boiled meat will be more tender, if during cooking sprinkle it with a small amount of brandy.
  40. If, before frying, sprinkle the meat with powdered sugar, it formed tasty fried crust.
  41. To roast pork was tasty and toasty, you must first make a sharp knife several deep cuts on the surface.
  42. To roast the meat was juicier before applying it on the table, it is necessary to hold it a little over a saucepan of simmering water.
  43. Fry patties and meat should only in well-heated pan with fat.
  44. When frying meat or fish pieces should not be poured into the pan, a large amount of fat as meat and fish absorb fat and become very heavy on taste.
  45. When warming up cooked meat to sprinkle it with cold water, put in a pan and heat over medium heat.
  46. Dishes with sauce before serving to warm up for 30-40 minutes in a hot oven. They will get a special taste and aroma.
  47. For cutlet mass use stale white bread, as fresh prepared cutlets gives nasty tack. And white bread increases the volume of products, absorbs escaping meat juices and gives splendor Minced meat, juiciness, softness.
  48. When the chops and steaks are prepared from minced meat, bread soaked in milk or water before you add it to the stuffing should not be strongly pressing.
  49. If the cutlet mass lay onions, it is recommended not to mince, and grate.
  50. To minced meat does not stick to hands at cutting cutlets, you wet your hands with water.
  51. To patties do not stick to each other and carve better, add to stuffing a little potato flour.
  52. Steaks and chops become softer if 1-2 hours before cooking grease the surface with a mixture of vinegar and oil.
  53. Steaks, chops and steaks should fry just before serving.
  54. Burgers will be more tasty and juicy, if you put the cutting into the middle of each piece of butter.
  55. If you add the mince for meatballs some sour cream, grated carrots or potatoes, burgers will be softer and more luxuriant.
  56. You can not fry patties and cook for a couple. To do this, put them in a colander set over a pan of boiling water and close the lid.
  57. Large piece of meat, poultry or game carcass every 10-15 minutes to baste in which they are fried.
  58. Not to overcook the meat, placed in highly-heated oven, it must be covered with oiled paper.
  59. If meat is burnt in fire, you need to cut the burnt part, clean the pan, add the broth, put the meat and continue braising, turning frequently.
